Author: Stella Bixby
Title: Spotlight Scandal
Series: Magical Mane Mystery: Book 3
Release Date: May 11, 2021
Genre: Mystery
Star Rating: 5/5
Review: Stella, darling... You've done it again. I absolutely love this series and Spotlight Scandal is another hit out of the ballpark. Cozy murder mysteries are quickly becoming a new favorite genre thanks to you. Ellie is back at it with her magical hair and her adorable porcine sidekick, Penelope, while trying to solve a murder mystery and the mystery of what has happened to her family. When a new magical family member showed up in the story, I flipped out. Seeing Ellie grow into herself, her powers, and building relationships with the people around her makes my heart happy. This is literally a series that would make a wonderful tv series or a string of movies. Someone call in a Netflix or Hallmark producer because this is one series that shouldn't be overlooked.
You can find more information about Stella Bixby and her other works on the following links:
Website: www.stellabixby.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StellaBixby/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stellabixby
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17649323.Stella_Bixby